How Do You Get Rid of the Smell of a Bean Bag?

Whether you’ve currently got a bean bag as a decorative element in your front room, or you have one stationed in your child’s playroom, bean bags are a useful and practical furniture addition to any space.

However, whether it be from an accidental drink spillage or muddy paws, sooner or later your bean bag is going to need a clean - especially if you regularly use it or have a busy household where things can get unpredictable!  

If a bean bag gets dirty or begins to harbor unpleasant odors, it’s important that you clean it so that it stays in the same pristine condition it was when you first purchased it. But, how exactly are you supposed to clean a bean bag to get rid of dirt and odors?

If this question has currently got you stumped, prepare to be enlightened. Below, let’s take a look at some of the easiest ways you can freshen up your bean bag and restore it to its original glory:

1. Clean the exterior of your bean bag

If you’re noticing that your bean bag is starting to develop an odor, it might just be down to the fact that there are some surface stains that need to be wiped off. As this method won’t require you to remove the beads from the interior of the bag, you’ll be able to easily do this once or twice a week in less than five minutes.

If you have a nylon bean bag with a wet cloth or wet wipes, gently wipe over your bean bag until it’s clean, and you should notice that any odors are significantly reduced or gone completely.

In contrast, if you have a fabric bean bag, we recommend taking the nozzle of your hoover and gently running it over the exterior cover of your bean bag to get rid of dirt and dust.  For most people, this is usually all that’s needed to get rid of the smell of a bean bag.

2. Freshen it up with fabric freshener 

If you lead a busy life and want a quick-fix solution, then consider purchasing a fabric freshener that will be able to give your bean bag a lovely, refreshing fragrance.

Fabric fresheners are a cost-effective way to make your furniture smell fresh and clean, and can be used for all sorts of things including your sofa, bed and even your bean bag.

You’ll be able to find an affordable fabric freshener at your local grocery store, and you will also be able to choose between multiple different scents including fresh linen, vanilla, floral and more. 

3. Machine wash your bean bag cover

The next thing that you can do to help get rid of any smells that your bean bag has developed is by cleaning the cover of your bean bag. Most bean bag covers are made to be machine washable, and can be unzipped for convenience.  

To do this, you should first double-check whether or not the beads inside are secured within a bag. If they’re not, then you will need to transfer all of the beads temporarily to a large bag to ensure that you do not lose any or make a mess. Once you have done this, you can then go ahead and place your bean bag in the washing machine and add some mild detergent, and place it on a light wash.

As a side note, it’s worth keeping in mind that not all bean bags are able to be washed in a washing machine (as it can cause the bag to shrink) so we recommend referring to your owner’s manual beforehand to make sure that your bean bag can be used in a washing machine, or whether it needs to be washed by hand.

How do you remove odors from bean bag beans?

Sometimes, no matter how much you try to keep your bean bag clean and fresh, residing odors may seem as though they just won’t go.

When this happens, it might mean that the odors may be trapped further inside the bean bag, and may even be stuck to the little air-filled beans that make the bean bag fluffy and comfortable.

So, to make sure that you rid your bean bag beads of any odors and get it back to tip-top condition,  follow the steps below to make sure that you correctly clean your bean bag beads:

  • Take your bean bag to a large area where you will be able to remove the beads from inside the bag.
  • Grab a large container and remove the lid. Place it next to the bean bag, so that you will be able to easily pour the beads from the bag into the container without making a mess.
  • Unzip your bean bag carefully and begin to slowly pour the beads into the container. Take your time while doing this, as it’s super easy for the tiny little beads to begin flying across the floor if you pour too fast.
  • Once you have finished pouring the bean bag beads into the container, now it will be time to let them dry themselves out. Though there’s no set rule for how long you should allow your beads to air, many people find that 7 days is usually the amount of time needed to effectively get rid of any residing odors.
  • If you want, at this point you could also choose to sprinkle some baking soda directly over the beans while they’re in the container. This is a very effective and cost-efficient way to draw any harboring odors out of the inside of the beads, as baking soda is known for being very good at absorbing odors. Some people who regularly air out their bean bag beads choose to line the bottom of the container with baking soda or even activated charcoal, as this helps to ensure that all of the beads are freshened.