Can You Reupholster A Chair Without Removing The Old Fabric?

Yes, you can reupholster a chair without removing the old fabric. If the old layer of fabric is not too thick or soiled, there is no real need to remove it. You can simply cover the chair cushioning with the new fabric and not worry about it. 

If there are already multiple layers of fabric on the cushion, we strongly recommend stripping them off before adding another layer. This will make the staples secure the fabric better as there is less depth to go through. 

Can You Reupholster A Chair Without Removing The Old Fabric

To do this, all you need to do is cut the fresh fabric to the approximate size and lay it on the top of the seat cushion. Pull the fabric edges taught over the cushion and wrap the raw edge underneath the seat.

Staple the edges into place, ensuring that you pull the fabric tight before each staple. This is a really cheap and easy way to give all of your old items of furniture a new lease of life.

How do you cover a chair cushion without sewing?

If your cushion is beginning to appear a little worse for wear, you may wish to incorporate some new padding inside. We recommend foam for this, as it is easy to work with and relatively cheap. Cut it to the correct size and you’re good to go.

Grab your fresh fabric and lie it on the ground. Place your foam or padding on the top and begin to wrap up your cushion as if it was a present.

Cut so there is enough fabric to easily wrap around the cushioning, and secure the raw edge of the fabric to the underside. We recommend using some safety pins to do this. 

Pull the fabric taught and pin in place. Lie the cushion on the top of the chair, with the pinned edge facing downwards. 

How do you recover an armchair without sewing?

The first thing that you need to do is to strip off all of the old fabric. We recommend labeling the pieces that you remove so that you know where on the chair they correlate to. You will need to remove the feet or rockers on the chair before you proceed. 

The first piece to take off is the thin layer of fabric on the underside. You should then use a flathead screwdriver to pry off the fabric from the back of the chair.

You may want to use an upholstery staple remover to help pull out the staples that secure the fabric in place. Continue to strip the fabric layers off of the chair until you are left with its skeleton. 

Once you have pulled off all of the fabric and labeled it, you are ready to move on to the next step. Lie your fresh fabric flat on the ground and lay your old fabric on the top.

Draw around these to use as a pattern for your new pieces of fabric. Cut these out, ensuring you know which part is which. 

You should then begin to recover your chair. Start with the last piece that you took off, and work backward until the entire chair has been covered.

You should ensure you reattach the fabric in the same manner as it was originally laid. If it had a tack strip holding it in place, use a tack strip to secure the new piece. 

If you wish to get a really professional-looking finish, consider attaching piping. This will give your armchair a refined and finished vibe. If you want, you can repaint the feet or rockers before reattaching. 

How do you reupholster a dining chair without removing the old fabric? 

To reupholster a dining chair without removing the old fabric is very easy. You will need the chair, cotton padding, and the new fabric that you will be using to reupholster it. It is a good idea to choose an upholstery fabric with a decent weight.

Combed cotton and linen are usually good options for upholstery. As well as this, you should buy a special tool known as an upholstery staple remover or a tack puller.

You will also need some 60 grit sandpaper, a staple gun, an Exacto knife, fabric scissors, an upholstery hammer, and upholstery stud trim. 

Your first step is to take off the old fabric on the base of the seat. Pull out all of the old staples and nails to release the fabric and expose the cushioning.

Try to remove the fabric in one piece and keep hold of it for a while. Doing this allows you to use the old fabric as a pattern for cutting out the new one. 

Lie your new upholstery fabric flat on the ground. Lay the old chair pattern onto the backside and draw around it. Cut this shape out so that you can attach it to the chair. It may be worth removing the old padding at this point too. 

Grab your fresh cotton padding and apply this to the seat area and to the back (if your chair has a cushion on the backrest). Add as many layers of cotton padding as you wish to ensure ultimate comfort. Use your staple gun to secure this to the chair. 

Once the padding has been firmly attached, use your Exacto knife to cut around the edge to remove the excess. You should then grab your fabric and lie it on the top.

Staple the fabric onto the cushioning, before folding the excess underneath and stapling it in place to secure. It is smart to try and staple in the same rough area as the old staples. 

You should then grab the upholstery trim and use this to cover up any visible staple lines in the fabric. If you decide to re-cover the underside of your chair, now is the time to. You can add a little more padding in here if you like. Simply staple the fabric on to cover any exposed areas.