By far the most exciting part of buying a home is getting to decorate it, and make it your own. When a lot of people think about decorating, they simply consider the colors of paint to use, and what walls will become feature walls.

But something else that you need to consider is the furniture that you are going to take with you, and how to make this work with the new floor plan of your home.
When you view a house, it is very easy to be dragged into styling it the same way as the previous owners, or the show home that you viewed. But you shouldn’t be afraid to make your home your own.
One piece of furniture which is surrounded by debate is the console table. There are lots of people who have very strong opinions about where is the right place to keep your console table.
But you might be wondering if you can put your console table behind your couch. In this guide, we’ll be telling you why you can.
What Is A Console Table?
First things first, let’s take a look at what a console table is. Console tables are very similar to side tables, but they have one main difference, and that is in their design. Side tables will be supported by 4 legs, just like any table.
But, a console table tends to be supported in a much more stylish way. Typically, you will find that most console tables are held up by either brackets or corbels.
This design makes a console table more like a supported shelf than a regular table, but it is usually used for the same purpose as a table.
A lot of the time, people use console tables as a feature in their home, and decorate it with candles, vases of flowers, and lamps. However, it is becoming more common for console tables to be used to house consoles.
It is becoming more common for people to use console tables to hold their PlayStation or Xbox consoles, and some people have even begun to use these tables as TV stands.
Whatever the reason you want to add a console table to your home, it is clear that these narrow and stylish tables are a great way to change the entire vibe of your home.
Can You Put A Console Table Behind A Couch?
The location where you should put your console table is something that is often debated. A lot of people believe that the perfect place for a console table is in the entrance way, as it offers the perfect place to store your car keys safely.
But, as we have said, it is becoming a lot more common for console tables to be used within lounges to store gaming consoles, televisions, and other devices safely.
But, you might be wondering if you can put your console table behind your couch. This is absolutely something that you can do, and it is becoming more and more common for people to use console tables in this way.
A lot of the time, when you are sitting on the sofa, you will find yourself looking for somewhere to place your drinks and snacks safely. If you place a console table behind your couch, then it will offer the perfect solution.
Depending on where your sofas are located in your lounge, you might be wondering whether, or not, a console table is appropriate. If your couch is in the center of the room, then a console table makes sense.
But, if your couch is located up against the wall, you might find yourself questioning if this is an appropriate place to keep a console table. In both situations, it is perfectly okay to put a console table behind your couch.
Console tables are narrow, so they are perfect for slotting behind a couch, even if the couch is up against the wall.
How Do You Use A Console Table Behind A Couch?
There are lots of excellent ways that you can use a console table behind your couch. The great thing about console tables is that they offer lots of different purposes.
If you simply want to add some decoration to your living room, then you can easily do this by adding a console table behind your couch, then decorating it.
We would suggest adding a lamp, a vase, a photo frame, some candles, or even a stack of books to add character to your console table.
But, there isn’t necessarily any need to decorate your console table. Sometimes less is more, so you could simply leave the table bare and simply add it to your living room for functionality.
This will give you somewhere to place your phone, your drink, and lots more while you enjoy sitting on the couch.
There are lots of different ways which you can use a console table behind your couch. The only thing that really matters is that your console table should never be taller than the back of your couch.
If it is, then you are leaving yourself open to hitting your head on the table every time that you sit down, and this definitely isn’t what you want when you’re about to settle down for the evening.
In terms of length, we would recommend either choosing a table that is half the length of your couch, or an equal length. The best size will depend on what you want to use the console table for. But, there are lots of different purposes for this handy piece of furniture.
So yes, you absolutely can put a console table behind your couch. In fact, this is becoming a very popular way to use this style of table.
In this guide, we’ve taken a look at what a console table is, how it differs from a side table, and how you can use and style a console table that is kept behind your couch.
So, if you want to find out more about this style of table, then you are definitely in the right place.